
Mr. and Mrs. Sutter

I had the pleasure of photographing my first wedding, and I am so pleased with how it turned out! And working with friends always makes everything go a little smoother. Seriously, look how photogenic they are! I had a hard time picking favorites for the blog. But, I guess thats a good problem to have. Poor Ashely broke her foot just weeks before the wedding, but she was ready for anything and nothing could stop her from enjoying her day. Wishing you two many years of happiness and love. Can't wait to see where life takes you! 

Meet the Lefeld Family

One of the best compliments out there is a repeat client. I've had the joy of photographing Heather, Chad, and (not so little anymore) Jacob. Normally toddlers have a tendency to dislike the family picture process, but Jacob was nothing but smiles. He didn't even throw one tantrum! I hope to have the pleasure of working with the Lefelds for many years to come!


Sometimes life just gets too busy! Between parenting, working, dance class and it seems like nowadays everyone has a "side hustle", there doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day to savor the little moments. And, boy, do they go fast! We had Jack's baptism this past weekend and capturing moments with some of his great-grandparents make this whole hobby worth while. They may not be perfect, but they are perfect to me! And, of course, Jack had to poop through his cute baptism outfit right before we did pictures! I wouldn't expect anything else out of this crazy kids.

Winding Down

Another Sunday afternoon special. As summer starts to fade, I've been trying to get Caroline outside more. Even if its just for 15 minutes to get some quick shots. It was a humid day! She has been starting to listen more when I try to get her to sit and smile. Which is bittersweet, I'm starting to miss her wild ways. Well, she doesn't always listen to the "smile" part!

The Definition of Perfection

Sometimes I try to pose someone 16 different ways, and nothing works. But other times, I just grab my camera on a Sunday afternoon and get something I'm in love with.  Theres a hundred different technical issues I can point out with this image, but I love the men in it and the way it makes me feel. And in the end, isn't that the point?

Adjusting to the New Addition

So, I need some advice.. My sweet, precious little girl hates her new brother. And I have exhausted every method I can think of to get her to at least be ok and interact with him. We have tried being nice, gentle, and caring to yelling, time outs, and losing tempers.  This is the closest I can get them in the 2 months Jack has been with us. Jack just hangs out while Caroline cries. But, at least now after many tries, I have some images of the two of them together!

Letters to Caroline

To my sweet little monster, I hope you never lose your passion.  Some days with your tantrums and outbursts are a challenge. I often have to remind myself that you are only acting like a 2 year old and thats just how it is. You don't understand what feelings are. You don't know you are mad or sad or even what those words mean.  But when you are so happy with excitement or screaming with rage, I hope you know its ok to feel. The people nowadays, myself included, can be ashamed or afraid to show they care. You are reminding me everyday that I should care. Its ok to be heartbroken because something you care about isn't going as you had hoped. Its ok to try, and sometimes fail.  Every time I encourage you to get back up and try again, I am also reminding myself. And for that, I thank you, little one. Sincerely, Your sometimes too strict mother