Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Today was the first day back to work since having my second child, Jack. It was bittersweet, as these things are.

I couldn’t help but feel like a failure. I didn’t get all the things done that I had intended. There were closets still full of clutter, unorganized kitchen cabinets, and of course I didn’t schedule nearly as many sessions as I had hoped.

But what I did accomplish were countless morning cuddles with my sunshine boy. Building towers as tall as I could reach with my big girl. Watching time fly by, wishing I could reach my arm out and press pause just to catch my breath.

Sometimes I look at everything other people have and cant figure out how they got it all. Then I realize there are things I have, that those other people do not. And neither of us wishing we had the others’ life are getting anywhere daydreaming. 

Success is for the doers.

Carpe Diem, my friends.


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