Letters to Caroline

To my sweet little monster, I hope you never lose your passion. Some days with your tantrums and outbursts are a challenge. I often have to remind myself that you are only acting like a 2 year old and thats just how it is. You don't understand what feelings are. You don't know you are mad or sad or even what those words mean. But when you are so happy with excitement or screaming with rage, I hope you know its ok to feel. The people nowadays, myself included, can be ashamed or afraid to show they care. You are reminding me everyday that I should care. Its ok to be heartbroken because something you care about isn't going as you had hoped. Its ok to try, and sometimes fail. Every time I encourage you to get back up and try again, I am also reminding myself. And for that, I thank you, little one. Sincerely, Your sometimes too strict mother